What are we are doing to keep our Clients safe during this pandemic?
Here at Sweet Serenity Massage & Salt therapy, our client's and staff members' safety is our highest priority. We have made some significant changes due to this pandemic. We follow all of the CDC guidelines provided for Massage Therapy businesses. Fran Hasekoester, the owner of Sweet Serenity Massage & Salt Therapy, wants her clients to know and understand what changes we have made to ensure everyone's safety.
Staff Protocol:
When our staff members arrive, their temperatures are checked and recorded. They must wear a mask upon entry to the building and keep them on until they leave the building for the day. There are hand sanitizer stations in each massage room, as well as by the receptionist desk and by the infrared sauna. Our staff washes their hands before and after each massage.

Client Protocol:
As for our clients, we have multiple protocols in place to keep you safe. We start by screening clients over the phone the day before their scheduled appointments. We ask the standard COVID19 questions and require they have all their paperwork completed online before the morning of their appointment. On the day of the appointment, we ask that clients remain in their vehicles and call our receptionist when they arrive. Having our clients stay in their cars helps us maintain social distancing in our lobby. The receptionist will again ask the client the COVID19 questions. Our clients are asked to wear a mask when entering the facility; if you do not have a mask, we will provide one. Once the client enters the building, their temperature is taken with a no-touch thermometer and recorded. If you are enjoying our Salt Therapy or Infrared Sauna, you may take your mask off once the door has closed and enjoyed your service. If you are enjoying a massage, you may take your mask off while lying on your stomach on the table. Once you lay on your back, you must remask. Once your session has ended, you will remain in the room until the receptionist or your therapist lets you know you may head to the receptionist desk to check out. We strive to only have one client at the receptionist's desk or in the lobby at a time.
After your departure, our staff sanitizes the bed with a sanitizing solution. And with disinfectant wipes, wipe down the chair, light switches, door, doorknobs, counters - anything that may have been touched during the session. We then spray Lysol on the rugs.
Facility Protocol:

In the Infrared Sauna and Salt Therapy Room, the bench & chairs are wiped down with a sanitizing wipe and the handles to the doors after each session. In the massage rooms, every bed is left unmade at the end of the day. Lysol is sprayed on the beds, floors, doorknobs, salt room chairs, and other surfaces. Our bathroom is deep cleaned every morning and wiped down throughout the day after use. The floors throughout the entire facility are cleaned regularly with Clorox pads. Receptionists also wipe down the front desk and lobby throughout the day.
Boutique Protocols:
Are you in need of a unique gift for someone? You can head to our website, shop, and pick up curbside! If you are a hands-on shopper, you can call our receptionists and request a Boutique Browse appointment. This way, we can keep our lobby socially distant, but this allows you access to the boutique items to decide in person. Please remember, you will still be required to enter and shop with a mask.
Here at Sweet Serenity Massage & Salt Therapy, your health is very important to us. If you are feeling unwell, please, call and reschedule your appointment. We appreciate the notice and hope you get well and see us soon. If you have any questions regarding the protocol discussed, please do not hesitate to email us at sweetserenitysalt@yahoo.com.